On the one hand, the ability to choose three levels of freecell complexity is brilliant! It sometimes takes me two days to win the hardest games.
I have found two problems that, when updated, will make this game absolutely formidable!
The first problem is the fact that, while one can undo moves that one has made, one cannot redo them once again automatically after one has undone them. As a result, it is not possible for me to go back to earlier moves to review them and, if I am OK with them, to then be able to simply go forward [or redo] them once again after I had gone backwards. Instead, after I have gone backwards, [and even if I have made no changes back there], I still need to make all subsequent moves as it they are new moves.
This makes trying out alternative possiblie play scenarions VERY difficult!
On a not really all that important second point, this freecell does apply consistently the freecell game rules regarding the number of cards that one can move from one stack to another. As a B.Sc. Computer Science grad, it is clear to me that the programming needs some few lines rewritten.
Still on balance, this game does provide a LOT of entertainment, and so I accept the above two problemx and I keep playing it anyway!
PS Question: Is it only possible to leave feedback on this game by winning a round of it first?
fwbfwb about FreeCell, v1.2